SF Public Works Racial Equity Action Plan Phase 1 | Page 132

6.1 Foster an intentional organizational culture that is committed to inclusion and belonging .


6.1.1 . Ensure that the department ’ s mission , policies and procedures reflect an ongoing commitment to an organizational culture of inclusion and belonging .
2021-22 Department mission , policies and procedures are updated and available .
Develop process for recognizing affinity / cultural groups .
Develop a racialequity framework to analyze policies and procedures .
Staff time : High
Indicators Status Lead Priority Lift Impact
Number of scheduled events completed .
Number of policies and procedures reviewed using a racial-equity framework .
Not started
Executive team , bureau managers , supervisors , Racial Equity Working Group
Level 1 High High
6.1.2 . Develop a Racial Equity Action Plan that is updated regularly and available to the public annually .
2021 Racial Equity Action Plan is published on department website .
Present at Board of Supervisors and other public forums .
Staff time : High
Number people who have read Action Plan .
Ongoing Executive team , Racial Equity Working Group
Level 1 High High
6.1.3 Create a racial-equity team consisting of racial equity leads committed to keeping the department accountable for reaching its Racial Equity Action Plan goals and guides implementation .
2021 Regular , scheduled meetings with Racial Equity Working Group to implement Racial Equity Action Plan .
Constitute Racial Equity Working Committees at bureau / unit levels .
Publish terms of engagement in working committees ; develop procedures to equitably engage participants .
Staff time : Moderate
Financial : Overhead
Track efficacy of racial-equity team and leads in terms of work plan and deliverables .
Track number of participants by race , gender , bureau , job class and rate of participation .
Racial Equity Working Group
Level 1 Easy High
132 San Francisco Public Works