Sevenoaks IB Art Exhibition 2022 | Page 15

Elsa Lamptey
The relationships and conflicts between perfection and imperfection are themes I ’ ve sought to examine through my artworks for this exhibition . My usual style has been realism , so I wanted to stray from my comfort zone a little .
My fascination with the natural world drove me to explore natural forms , but also the nature of humanity , and how we are inherently an imperfect species but , concurrently , there is perfection in our imperfection . I started examining this through contrasts in techniques , predominantly using layering ; for example , expressive backgrounds with realism overlaid to shift the meaning . The layering could also be symbolic , representing the complexity and the depth of the human experience . Although I experimented with a range of mediums , the techniques of etching and painting resonated with me , particularly the distinctions between them . Etching is precise and delicate , whereas painting is fluid , mutable and uncertain , but these polar qualities further reinforce the ideas of the incongruity and intricacy of life .
Many of my works are highly personal . I attempted to represent some of the important women in my life , my mother and grandmother . My adoration of culture and colour played a complementary role . My vibrant Ghanaian heritage is something that inspires me in my daily life , and this was something I wanted to subtly pay respect to . I ’ m proud to be able to display my hard work , and can ’ t wait to take more risks through art in the future !