Sevenoaks IB Art Exhibition 2022 | Page 16

Hebe Marr-Johnson
My work explores the enticing movement and fluidity in folded , creased and draped materials . I was inspired by traditional depictions of fabric in paintings , my initial work therefore focusing on classic still life and portraiture . This exploration developed as I began to experiment with depicting more contemporary materials , such as plastics , in my paintings . These paintings also included more abstract elements , as I tried distorting my previously realistic approach to create a fractured , more imperfect outcome . Moving further away from my more confined techniques , I made dramatic sculptures using swathes of frozen fabric . My sculptures capture moments in time , creating the illusion of uncontainable , free-flowing movement , with the material bursting out of its frames . In some pieces , I combined traditional painting techniques with unconventional sculptural elements , creating lively results that pay homage to several aspects of my investigation in this exhibition .
An area I explore here is the idea of timelessness , encompassed by my depiction of materials . The fascination with how materials are presented can be dated back centuries in art . For me personally , I have always been drawn to the captivating appearance of fabrics in paintings , their bewitching quality being reflected through many artistic periods . The connecting theme of timelessness is demonstrated in my work , by my consistent depiction of materials through varying time periods of inspiration , styles and media used .