Sevenoaks IB Art Exhibition 2022 | Page 14

Megan Handy
My journey began with a portrait in which I used a palette knife to create a highly textured surface which contributed to a disjointed atmosphere . This inspired me to explore how manipulation and experimentation of surface could impact meaning . Overall , my work displays a relationship between the natural and the human , presented through abstract sculpture and portraiture .
For the sculptures I wanted to explore the expressive potential of organic forms , employing an abstract style to portray movement and fluidity within the natural world , and experimenting with surfaces to develop texture . I created a juxtaposition between industrial man-made elements and natural forms , mirroring the style of my initial clay sculptures but using acetate ; the pattern , melting and crinkling developed the surface . While the forms had similar qualities , the different materials created a contrasting atmosphere . In my next piece , industrial and organic were fused to express a connection : I used expanding foam within my acetate sculptures and then constructed it together to create a texturised surface , contrasting the bubbling rigid foam alongside delicate coloured plastic .
I also explored portraiture in the style of organic forms , using techniques employed in my sculptures alongside relief work . This resulted in a 3D portrait made of plaster fragments , utilising the surface to emphasise the structural elements of the face and the subject ’ s complexity . For the final piece I moved away from sculptural elements , using visible brush strokes and a perception of merging with the background to portray a relationship with its own surface .