Sevenoaks 24: IB Art Exhibition 2024 | Page 11

Will Kang Wolter
One quote comes to mind to describe my friends ’ impact on the outcome and reflections of my artwork : ‘ My brother just another me .’ Chicago rapper Lucki Camel Jr expresses how our closest friends form part of our identity and perception of self , echoing the words of Greek philosopher Aristotle . This has been my principal inspiration to express the experiences of my friends and myself as we enter the cusp of adulthood and , unfortunately , begin to construct identities we may restrict ourselves to for the rest of our lives .
Honestly , taking IB Art has helped me survive other subjects ; any time of the day spent on art is a good time . The community of the Art department is the most welcoming part of my school experience , and over the past two years , I ’ ve learnt so many different mediums and a lot about myself , too . I ’ ve learnt that to be creative , I can express these ideas without lingering in a medium or restraining myself from pursuing projects to fit a theme that does not express what I feel . The art I have experienced is embracing , and that is what I aim to reflect .
I think this is shown in my refusal to stick to a single medium for more than one project . I am stubbornly insistent on not repeating any , from painting to reusing roof tiles with image transfers , photography , stained-glass cutting , printing etc . My approach has consistently been to discover expressions of myself in new ideas , and just as I created these works with free self-expression , they should be received with freedom of individual interpretation .