Sevenoaks 24: IB Art Exhibition 2024 | Page 10

Nikita Ivaniuta
My artwork serves as a journal of my experiences and reflections , aiming to establish an intimate connection with viewers . Amid the war in my homeland , Ukraine , I explore its impact on individuals , delving into themes of alienation , patriotism , nostalgia , survivor ’ s guilt and PTSD .
Drawing inspiration from JMW Turner ’ s belief that ‘ painting and poetry reflect each other ’ s beauty ’, my art , exemplified in pieces like ‘ Somehow ’ and ‘ A Conversation ,’ integrate poetry physically into my work as a foundational layer . Utilising verses from poets such as Siegfried Sassoon or Rupert Brooke , key words from their poetry guide the viewer ’ s gaze through the drawing , encouraging reflection on nuanced concepts like ‘ peace ’.
Influenced by André Masson ’ s automatic drawings , I allow my subconscious to flow freely into my work . Rarely sketching beforehand , even in lifesize , my large-scale pieces maintain a sketch-like quality , establishing intimate connections with my genuine emotional state and with the viewer . Purposefully unfinished parts or mistakes , akin to William Kentridge ’ s approach , reveal the complete creation process , fostering a genuine connection with the viewer . Stylistically , I draw inspiration from Vienna Secession artists , particularly Schiele ’ s bold figures and Kokoschka ’ s post-war portraiture .
Coincidentally or not , much of my work has unfolded under the rhythm of falling rain . Perhaps it is those same raindrops that stir memories of times in my life that have sculpted my journey up until now and inspire me to put them onto paper .