Emilia Wood
My exhibition explores human connection to the environment and how we shape our surroundings . The concept originated from photography , particularly an image of the top of a stump on a stile , which had been smoothed down by repetitive human contact . I wanted to represent this simplification of form through organic sculpture , replicating natural structures and creating fluid shapes . My process started with a series of charcoal sketches and ink and watercolour drawings inspired by Henry Moore , depicting skulls and a model from life drawing classes . I then used tracing paper to layer the line drawings and create an organic shape . This was shaded to create an abstract form , which I tried to mimic and explore through clay maquettes . I decided to create a large plaster sculpture to allow a more interactive work that the viewer could move around , with smooth undulating curves referencing natural shapes . I also wanted to explore the reverse of this concept ; how nature forms us and responds to our invasive actions , as tree trunks grow around wire fences and moss sprouts between paving . It is this interwoven relationship of interference and accommodation or compromise that particularly interests me , as humans work with their surroundings . The pieces all explore the lasting impact individuals leave on Earth , as each step sculpts landscapes and every action physically alters the appearance of our world . Ultimately , this work represents my fascination with how we interact with our environments and form our surroundings .