Sevenoaks 23: IB Art Exhibition | Page 21

Nina Sinisi
Driven mostly by Italian architecture based between an ancient and modern period , I attempted to modernise aspects of traditional architectural images . In these prints , I did this by using colours which can be seen quite rarely in architecture , considering they are bright and atypical . The use of the linocut technique was effective in bringing out the peculiar features of the architecture and allowed me to play around with the formal element of the buildings . This formal element was challenged but sustained as I developed these prints into layers and , in a more abstract manner , edits to emphasise that after its architectural contribution , a building or structure can also be portrayed as a piece of art once it is seen in a different light . I realised that the pattern that evolves once this is noticed can be related to a lot of modern designs . Completing plaster blocks ( making a mould into clay and pouring plaster into it ) was one way in which I could prioritise these patterns in contemporary designs , for example , in those inspired by my trip to New York .
Overall , in all my pieces I attempted to maintain an element of contrast . In all my prints I depended heavily on colour and the medium itself to make a strong impression , whereas in my etching , harsh and darker lines added texture and depth , representing the darker elements facing the lighter ones in the piece .