Services and Activities Programs 2025 | Page 8

Legacy Leadership Programs ( Years 9 to 12 )
Scotch College Army Cadet Unit Ref : LL1
The Cadet program is a peer led youth development program with authentic leadership experiences for those who continue beyond Year 9 . Boys who participate in Cadets are also enrolled as a Cadet in the Australian Army Cadets organisation . The Cadet program is focused on values that will help them thrive in a team environment , improve communication skills , and become responsible members of their community . As a cadet you will learn leadership , team building and survival skills that will set you up for life .
In Year 9 , cadets are able to explore their abilities through exposure to a range of skills that foster teamwork , self-confidence and personal resilience . Activities are focused on youth development principles , using the leadership structure and curriculum of the Australian Army Cadets . These areas include basic first aid , map reading / navigation , use of radios , communication skills field engineering / field craft and living in the field / survival skills .
Cadets progress through an experience with their Platoon where they are led through a range of lessons which culminate in the Annual Camp held at the end of Term 3 .
Those in years 10-11 can attend a leadership course and be promoted to various leadership roles within the Unit . These can be specialist skill leadership positions or leadership positions around leading a group of younger cadets either at a Company level ( up to 100 Cadets ), a Platoon Level ( up to 25 Cadets ), or a Section level ( up to 10 Cadets ). Each level of leadership has a course which cadets are required to complete to be eligible for that position / rank .
Cadets wear the cadet uniform as issued by the Australian Army to Wednesday training afternoons and camps but will also be issued a Scottish Highland uniform , including kilt , to wear on ceremonial occasions .
Details of the national AAC program can be found at www . cadetnet . gov . au .
Cadets can enrol in the Duke of Edinburgh ’ s Awards Scheme and cite their cadet service and camps towards some of the qualifying criteria .
If you would like more information about the cadet unit , you can contact the Unit ’ s Commanding Officer via email Alistair . Dunn @ scotch . vic . edu . au
Program Levy : $ 650
Some additional activities may attract a separate cost e . g . leadership courses
6 Services and Activities Programs