Program Structure
Legacy Leadership Programs ( Years 9 -12 )
Our Legacy Leadership Programs are the centrepiece of the Scotch College Services and Activities Program . They are designed to enrich the educational and personal experiences of our boys . These programs offer a unique blend of tradition and innovation , fostering leadership , community service and opportunities for personal growth . Boys engage in programs that both honour our school ’ s rich history and prepare them for future challenges . Boys will be invited to join the Military Band , Pipes and Drums and Venturers .
Year 9 Application Programs
Application Programs provide interestbased opportunities to Year 9 students . These programs provide boys with diverse opportunities to develop leadership skills , spend time in the outdoors and understand Indigenous cultures . Students must apply to be a part of these , knowing that each program has specific selection criteria that must be addressed in their application .
Some Application Programs allow for students to make a multi-year commitment to develop their interests and skills in the areas of Outdoor Education and Indigenous Cultures .
Places in Application Programs are limited .
Year 10 Service and Activity Programs
In Year 10 , many students will continue to contribute to the Legacy Leadership Programs . For those students who wish to explore new opportunities , a small range of activity-based programs are offered . Programs offered to Year 10 students build leadership skills , promote physical fitness , whilst also encouraging creativity and teamwork .
Engagement in these programs will allow students to see the importance of physical activity and community involvement .
Places in the Year 10 Service and Activity Programs are capped , ensuring a wellresourced experience for all boys .
Year 11 Immersion Programs
The Immersion Program emphasises Service Learning , where students perform community service to gain skills and knowledge by working alongside communities to bring about positive change . The Year 11 Immersion Program includes three terms of pre-service learning activities and a 3-4 day immersion experience , focusing on project-based work , community engagement and reflection .