Services and Activities Programs 2025 | Page 9

Military Band Ref : LL2
The Scotch College Military Band is part of the Scotch College Cadet Unit . It supports the Unit in its ceremonial duties and has done so since it was formed in 1959 . The band ’ s annual performance schedule includes the Melbourne ANZAC Day commemorations , the cadet parades and the Foundation Day Concert .
It is predominantly made up of boys from Years 9 to 12 who are learning brass , woodwind or percussion at school . It can also take boys in Year 8 due to it being primarily a musical activity , and these boys will be automatically allocated to the Band for their Year 9 service .
Boys invited to join the Military Band are also enrolled in the Cadet Unit and the Australian Army Cadets ( AAC ). Some of the information in the Cadets section of this booklet also applies to the Military Band . Further details of the national Army Cadet program can be found at www . cadetnet . gov . au
Boys invited to join the Military Band after Year 9 still need to complete recruit training . All leadership courses must be completed in sequence so these boys are unlikely to progress in rank at the same rate as boys who joined in Year 9 .
Members of the Band are provided with the cadet uniform that they will wear on Wednesdays and at camps . They are also provided with a ceremonial uniform that is unique to the Scotch College Military Band .
Those who are in the Military Band are expected to attend the cadet bivouac and camp , and they are able to take part in the cadet instruction and leadership courses that equip them for higher rank , along with added responsibilities and opportunities .
From year to year , the band will take in around 20 new members . Cadets attend Wednesday afternoon training from 3.15 pm until 4.45 pm .
Program Levy : $ 650
Some additional activities may attract aseparate cost eg leadership courses