Septmeber/October Double Issue Volume 2 | Page 38

LaST DESiRES A MESSAGE FOR LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE EVER Photo Credit: MAKING YOUR ENEMIES YOUR FOOT STOOL S ometimes are biggest adversities leads us to our biggest blessings. Have you noticed a trend happening in recent days? Breakups... More and more couples and friends are going through tremendous difficulties in their relationships. We are in the season for breakups. Yes they are tripping, yes they are getting on your nerves, and yes this is the last straw. However it’s all in accordance to GOD’s Divine Plan. Stop resisting and go with God’s flow. Growth is now. Growth in your life is now. Everything around you is growing. Flowers… Trees... Grass... Why not you? GOD has required that you expand. He has made it so that the seed planting last fall starts to show signs of life. If you won’t grow when you are supposed to grow, GOD needs to encourage your production by pruning away that which limits your productivity. Right now relationships 38 • Upscale Desires Magazine • are breaking up. People are fighting and screaming. Some are moving out. Packing up in the middle of the night and leaving. LET THEM GO. Why? Support… They can’t support you. They are not equipped to handle the responsibility of the weight required to where GOD wants to take you. THEY CAN’T GO and YOU DON’T NEED THEM. I said YOU DON’T NEED THEM. You have everything you need already inside of you. Quit looking for help and validation outside of yourself. Believe that all this will work out for the good of GOD. ALL THINGS and this to GOD be the Glory. --Nikeema Lee, Editor-in-Chief Intimate Relationship Coach