Make Fetch Happen, The Go Getter’s Guide to Greatness is the newest book from
Author & Everyone’s Favorite Intimate Relationship Coach Nikeema Lee.
Remember the movie Means Girls? The character Gretchen tried really hard
throughout the movie to make the word “Fetch” the newest catch phrase. She
repeatedly tried to use the word to describe the mood or circumstance. Working
the word into conversation, “that’s so fetch.” Until finally they told her to stop
trying to make Fetch happen. STOP TRYING TO MAKE FETCH HAPPEN.
Nikeema T. Lee M.S. is an Intimate Relationships
Coach, Author, & former WGIV 103.3 FM
Morning Show Host in Charlotte, NC. Nikeema
Lee focuses her energy on coaching people on how
to LOVE themselves. She is a beacon of insight on
self-love and reconnection. Nikeema aids many to
self-discovery of the internal hurdles that prevent
many from making intimate connections in
relationships, by helping many to get in touch with
their true Authentic selves