Sennockian 2018-2019 | Page 60

A y ear of orchestral music I found this a particularly busy and rewarding year of music at Sevenoaks. I’m not sure whether this is down to being in the Lower Sixth or the number of opportunities to perform in large concerts. At the beginning of the year some of us were able to be involved in the musical side of Sweeney Todd. This really was a spectacular production and a unique experience, as it allowed us to try something entirely new. From an orchestral point of view, trying to keep the music in time with the actors, who often took a somewhat unique approach to tempo, tested our collective ability to a totally new level. Having opened the year with such a spectacular showing in Sweeney Todd, you might think that this would be a tough act 54 to follow. It was, yet the quality of music produced never seems to let us down. The department prepared for the remainder of the Michaelmas term by working on a joint venture with the French department. Voyage en Francophonie was more than a French concert; it was a cultural experience featuring a particularly memorable performance of ‘Un homme et une femme’ by Diego del Ser and Inci Gürün. Members of Year 9 talked about French cinema, Year 10 talked about Franco-Belgian comics and many students gave their own insight into matters French – in French! For me, as a trumpet player, finishing off the voyage with the Symphony Orchestra’s performance of Saint-Saëns’s 3rd ‘Organ’ symphony with Mr Heighway on the organ was a fabulous end to a really creative and enjoyable project. PERFORMING ARTS