Community education offers a wealth of
Community Education courses are being offered
to seniors that cover a wide variety of subjects and
interests. Many are health-related, but some are just
for fun. The cost varies, and some are free. The list
that follows is a sample.
The following classes are available through
Howard Lake-Winsted-Waverly Community Ed-
• An osteoporosis class will share the latest in-
formation on research, treatment, and prevention of
osteoporosis, and how diet and exercise can reverse
and prevent the break down of bone. Topics include
natural treatments, supplements, and exercises. Class
takes place Wednesday, March 11, from 1 to 2 p.m.
at HLWW Middle School. Register by Wednesday,
March 4.
• Seniors can walk the halls in Waverly and Winsted
elementary schools during the school year. Register
with Community Education prior to the fi rst time
walking to receive a free walking pass, which must
be displayed when walking the elementary halls,
Monday through Friday, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
• The AARP Driver Safety program is a classroom
driver retraining program for persons 55 and older,
which is designed to help improve driving skills.
Drivers receive a premium reduction from their auto
insurance after taking the class. They learn how ag-
ing, medications, alcohol, and other health-related
issues affect driving ability, and ways to adjust to al-
low for these changes. Preregistration is required one
week prior to class. Class takes place at HLWW High
School. A 4-hour refresher for those who have already
taken the 8-hour course will be offered Thursday,
March 19, 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. and Monday, March 23,
8 a.m. to noon. The 8-hour class for new students will
be offered Monday, March 30 and Thursday, April 2
from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.
• A pastel and charcoal drawing class allows par-
ticipants to learn with their fi ngers and drawing tools,
and get to experiment with each type of pastel and
charcoal on textured drawing paper. Participants ex-
plore different resist effects, layering, and blending.
After experimenting, everyone creates an abstract or
still life drawing. Supplies provided for the class cre-
ations. Class takes place Friday, April 17, from 7 to 9
p.m. at HLWW High School. Register by April 8.
• Friends in the Kitchen is a 55-or-older cooking
class that shares easy-to-make, affordable, nutritious
meals, while making new friends. Class meets the
second Thursday of the month at St. John’s Lutheran
Church in Winsted from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
• A Minnesota history day tour will explore the
Minnesota Historical Society Complex in St. Paul in
the morning, and the Mill City Museum in Minneap-
olis in the afternoon Friday, March 20, leaving How-
ard Lake at 8:15 a.m. The tour includes lunch and ad- 11:15 a.m.
mission to both museums. Tours are offered several
• Morning Gentle Yoga is offered to teach poses,
times a month to many different destinations.
with an emphasis on breathing, physical awareness,
• The Mid-Minnesota Concert Band performs and relaxation. There will be modifi cations, and
several concerts throughout the year. New members the option to use chairs and blocks to help the stu-
are welcome to join. Members range in age from 16 dents with poses. This class will be offered for free
to 70+. Rehearsals are Mondays at 7:45 p.m. at the to veterans through the Veterans Yoga Project; visit
HLWW High School. The class takes place
Staff at the HLWW Community Education offi ce Wednesdays, May 6 through May 27, at the W-M
have information and can answer questions about Community Learning Center.
these and other programs available. They can be
• Getting a good night’s sleep class teaches what
reached by calling 320-543-4670, or online at hlww. foods and nutrients are critical for sleep. Participants, click on Community Education.
discover delicious snacks and tips to balance blood
Watertown-Mayer Community Education of- sugar, and what to avoid, to sleep through the night.
fers many programs for seniors, including the fol- Class takes place Monday May 4, from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
at W-M Community Learning Center.
• The American Heart Association CPR-AED
Staff at the Watertown-Mayer Community Learn-
and First Aid Certifi cation class teaches participants ing Center can answer questions about these classes,
what to do in an emergency, and might help save a and many others that are offered. Call 952-955-0280,
life. CPR, use of Automated External Defi brillators or online at [email protected].
(AED), what to do when 5” x 6”
a person is choking, and
fi rst aid will be taught,
with a two-year certifi -
cation earned by com-
pleting the class, which
* *
will take place Wednes-
day, March 11, from 6
to 9:30 p.m. at W-M
Community Learning
when they switch from companies like
• An eating to reduce
GEICO, State Farm and Allstate
pain and infl ammation
class will teach which
Call The Hartford
Your savings could
foods cause aches and
be even more!
pains, and which re-
infl ammation.
The AARP ® Auto Insurance Program from The Hartford. 1
Learn what nutritional
Saving is easy! With this policy, experienced
� 24/7 claims service
drivers who switch save an average of $449*
changes, foods, and
� Lifetime renewability †
in the first year alone — and they get all the
supplements can do to
benefits and privileges you’d expect with
� Lock in your rate for a full 12 months
the AARP Auto Insurance Program from
manage pain and in-
� New car replacement §§
The Hartford. Your own savings could actually
fl ammation. Class takes
be greater.
place Wednesday, April
The only national auto insurance
of customers recommend
program endorsed by AARP.
The Hartford**
22 from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
at the W-M Community
Call The Hartford now to request a FREE money-saving quote.
Learning Center.
• Visit DayTrippers
No coupon necessary.
Dinner Theatre and see
Not an AARP member? If you’re 50 or over, request a FREE quote and more information today!
“The Bikinis.” Lunch
FREE duffle bag when you
and transportation are
request your free quote!***
included to watch the
Jersey Girls deliver a
rockin’ good time. Trip
takes place Wednesday,
April 15, leaving from
Winsted at 10:15 a.m.,
or from Waconia at
Senior Connections HJ.COM
No Clipping Required.
$ 449
au insurance policyholders between 1/1/18 and 12/31/18 and provided data regarding their savings and
* Savings amounts are averages based on information from The Hartford’s AARP Auto Insurance Program customers who became new auto
prior carrier. Your savings may vary.
** Based on customer experience reviews shared online at as of April 2019.
*** The gift offer is good for first time responders who provide a valid email address. Responders will be sent an email to confirm the gift. All responders in IA, IL, MA and RI who do not provide an email address are still eligible to receive the
gift The gift offer is not available in GA, ND, NM or PA, but residents may still request a quote. The gift is available only as a limited time offer. Please allow 4-7 weeks for delivery. Bottle not included.
† If you are age 50 or older, once you’re insured through this Program for ait least 60 days, you cannot be refused renewal as long as applicable premiums are paid when due. Also, you and other customary drivers of your vehicles must retain
valid licenses, remain physically and mentally capable of operating an automobile (not applicable in MA), have no convictions for driving while intoxicated and must not have obtained your policy through material misrepresentation. Benefit currently
not available in HI, MI, NH, NC and TX.
§§ Limitations apply.
AARP and its affliates are not insurers. Paid endorsement. The Hartford pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP membership is required for Program eligibility in most states.
The AARP Automobile Insurance Program from The Hartford is underwritten by Hartford Fire Insurance Company and its affliates, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. It is underwritten in CA by Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company; in WA, by
Hartford Casualty Insurance Company; in MN, by Sentinel Insurance Company; and in MA, MI and PA, by Trumbull Insurance Company. Specific features, credits, and discounts may vary and may not be available in all states in accordance with state
filings and applicable law. Applicants are individually underwritten and some may not qualify. The program is currently unavailable in Canada and U.S. Territories or possessions.
In Texas, the Auto Program is underwritten by Southern County Mutual Insurance Company, through Hartford Fire General Agency. Hartford Fire Insurance Company and its affiliates are not financially responsible for insurance
products underwritten and issued by Southern County Mutual Insurance Company.
Connections March/April 2020