say, they always agree on their item assessments.
The Country Store’s inventory is broad and eclectic
– there must be something for everyone. Items are
neatly organized and creatively displayed. Shoppers
may choose from clothes, toys, books, jewelry, and
While the donations and profi ts coming in are
wonderful, Reese said there are also more subtle ben-
efi ts.
One day, she said, a resident who had been reluc-
tant to participate in any other activity visited the
store and even brought a guest. The pair had a good
time looking around and showing each other different
Reese said she also enjoys the opportunity to visit
with many different people who stop to shop. “It’s fun
to see people from the fi rst fl oor, which we never get
to see,” she said.
Come for a visit
Store staff want to encourage the public to shop at
the Country Store. They would also be grateful for
donations of merchandise for the store, or cash.
Muller said donations might include clothing, toys,
holiday decorations, and craft items. Items to be do-
nated must be in good and/or working condition.
Donations labeled for The Country Store may be
dropped off at St. Mary’s front desk.
Currently, The Country Store is open Fridays, Sat-
urdays, and Sundays from 1 to 3 p.m. Shoppers may
go to the front desk, and staff will direct them to the
“We want to bring the community back into our
facility,” Muller said. “We invite everybody to stop in
– all are welcome.”
Time to Focus on the Joys of Life
Although The Country Store is still new, residents and
staff have expansion plans. Some store inventory is avail-
able for sale from one section of a large cabinet near St.
Mary’s front desk. Store staff ers intend to fi ll the entire
wall-length cabinet with merchandise soon.
Connections March/April 2020
Senior Connections HJ.COM