Senior Connections SeniorConnections_MarApr20 | Page 4

‘Do not grieve as those who have no hope’ Dale Kovar HJ GENERAL MANAGER This column fi rst appeared in Herald Journal’s “Estate, Pre-planning, and Sympathy” section in February. The full section is available online at Click Online Edition and scroll down into the complimentary publications. Phone calls in the middle of the night are rarely a good thing. Death of a loved one is diffi cult to deal with. If it’s sudden and unexpected, it’s such a shock. If it’s from a prolonged disease, there’s time to say goodbye, but it’s still tragic. During the past year, our family experienced the sudden variety, on the heels of a premature birth. When we hosted all our kids and their families to- gether at a cabin last summer, daughter Chelsea and son-in-law Brian used the opportunity to announce that another family member would be added to our ranks. We were all excited, and everything was going well until one Saturday night in late October. I had already stayed up way later than usual watch- ing a World Series game. Linda was attending an event with her sisters and returned home even later. Then the fi rst call came. Chels and Brian were at the hospital and it was possible labor could begin in the next 24 hours. About 20 minutes later, another call: a lot was hap- pening and they’d keep us posted. A few more minutes later: “You better come.” By the time we got there, Peyton was born at 21 weeks, 3 days, being just nine inches long and 13.3 ounces. Within a few minutes, he died in Brian’s arms. Our pastor was able to come comfort everyone and pray with us before Sunday services that morning. Then we went about the unpleasant task of letting other family members know. Later it was back to the hospital where everyone gathered again. The Star Legacy Foundation, a sup- port organization for pregnancy loss, sent a represen- tative – a young mom who had experienced the same thing – for an extended photo shoot. Part of the grieving – and healing – is the acknowl- edgement and memories of what was, even as short as it was. My point, for a newspaper section about death, is coping with death. My go-to verse for death has become 1 st Thessa- Free tax preparation sites available MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE With income tax season now open, the Minnesota Department of Revenue announced that more than 200 sites will be offering free tax assistance for those fi ling income tax and property tax refund returns. Most sites are open through April 15. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and AARP Tax-Aide programs are two free tax preparation options, where volunteers help Minnesotans prepare their federal and state returns. The Internal Revenue Service certifi es volunteers from both programs to prepare basic tax returns in communities across Minnesota. “Thousands of Minnesotans are eligible for free tax preparation services, or free tax preparation software this tax season,” said Revenue Commissioner Cynthia Bauerly. “These free services help make fi ling easier and can help Minnesotans accurately and securely fi le their income tax return, and claim any refund that they may be entitled to receive.” Last year, the VITA program prepared more than 71,000 federal tax returns, more than 75,000 Minnesota income tax returns, and almost 57,000 property tax refund returns for Minnesota taxpayers. All those returns provided more than $133 million in federal, and state income, and property tax refunds. Minnesotans can get help at a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site if any of the following apply: • The taxpayer is age 60 or older. 4 Senior • The taxpayer is a person with a disability. • The taxpayer speaks limited or no English. • The taxpayer’s annual income is less than $56,000. The AARP Tax-Aide program offers free tax preparation for all Minnesotans, particularly those age 50 or older. Unlike VITA sites, AARP Tax- Aide sites do not have income restrictions. Free electronic fi ling is also available for Minnesotans with an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $69,000 or less. To see if a taxpayer is eligible for free electronic fi ling, see the Electronic Filing Software for Individuals page on the department’s website. Minnesotans can search for a convenient site on the department’s website using their search feature and interactive map. Taxpayers can search for sites by ZIP code or county, and fi nd sites with interpreters and volunteers certifi ed to fi le military returns. The interactive map has search options by city, county, or ZIP code. Minnesotans will need to bring certain items when visiting a site, such as a photo ID, W-2 information, banking information for direct deposit, and other applicable items. Visit the website at, for a list of suggested items to bring to a tax preparation site. Connections March/April 2020 Peyton’s footprints (actual size lonians 4 which reads in part “. . . do not grieve as others do who have no hope.” So what hope is there? Jesus not only died for our sins; he took his life back, overcoming death through his resurrection. Scripture promises he will come for us again, at which point we can spend eternity with him, if we haven’t already chose the other option. That chapter of Thessalonians also describes how the dead believers will be resurrected, and then those who are left will join them to meet the Lord in the air. The hard part is waiting until then – a daily lesson in patience. When we lose a loved one, even one we only knew for minutes, that is our hope – our only hope. But as long and far off as it may seem, we also know it is certain. Need Help With Your Social Security Disability Claim? We've Helped Thousands Get the Benefits They Deserve Start The Process Today! Applications • Hearings • Appeals You Could Be Eligible To Receive: Steady monthly income depending on your paid in amount A lump sum payment of benefits owed from back-pay Annual cost of living adjustments Call for a free consultation (877) 912-6125 Bill Gordon & Associates, a nationwide practice, represents clients before the Social Security Administration. Member of the TX & NM Bar Associations. Mail: 1420 NW St Washington D.C. Office: Broward County Florida. Services may be provided by associated attorneys licensed in other states. Senior Connections HJ.COM