Self-Study Workbooks - Prepare a Presentation | Page 18

Prepare a Presentation Preparation is VITAL Even the most experienced presenters feel nervous before a speech or presentation. It is perfectly normal. The trick is making sure that you do not focus on the nerves and forget all about your presentation. Nervousness is actually a good thing as it means that your adrenaline is pumping in readiness for the challenge ahead. Fail to Prepare…Prepare to Fail! Too many presenters fail because they try to put on an act when they take the “stage” at the beginning of a presentation. Until you are confident about giving presentations and know what you can and can’t do, just be yourself. By being yourself you don’t have to worry about trying to be something that you are not. If this means making the odd “gaff”, so what? – Everybody’s human and it could be that’s why the audience likes you. Exercise: Write down 10 things that you can do to prepare yourself to give a GREAT presentation. Then, look at the suggestions on the following page, and highlight any others that you think would benefit you. My Personal Preparation Checklist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Power Hour – Prepare a Presentation Self Study Workbook Page 18 Copyright Power-Hour 2012