Self-Study Workbooks - Prepare a Presentation | Page 17

Prepare a Presentation Cue Cards Cue cards are small hand-sized cards that contain bullet points or cues for the presenter. If used correctly they can make the presentation less formal and make the presenter appear more relaxed and confident. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 •Write out your presentation in full. •This ensures that you cover all the points you want to make. •Identify and note down the key points in the script. •Include all references to visual aids and actions to be taken during the presentation. •Print the key points, in bold capital letters, onto the cue cards. This can be one or two key words or complete sentences. •Whatever system you choose, you must have a clear understanding of each point. •Make sure that each point is clear by using spaces, colours and new lines. •Number each card and secure them together. •Read through them and check your understanding. Use notes to help you to prepare and as a fall-back if you need them. You should aim, wherever possible, to present without them. EXERCISE. Create visual aids (if appropriate) and notes or cue cards for the presentation that you have to give. Power Hour – Pre