4 . Determine your appropriate �mes during the week
Show on your �meline the tasks you have to do for the whole week . Iden�fy the remaining �me blocks and place the tasks in order of importance in your list into these �me blocks . Let ' s make a reminder again . In the previous video on " How to Work More Efficiently ", I men�oned that it is beneficial to do difficult tasks in the morning . Remember to take this into account when planning your studies on a daily basis .
Make �me for non-academic ac�vi�es as well . Make sure you include �me for your family , friends or yourself in your schedule . This is because you won ' t be successful in your studies unless you create a healthy balance between your personal life and your academic life . Keep your schedule or all your notes both in your calendar and digitally . Track your progress day by day .
5 . Evaluate the effec�veness of your program
Crea�ng a study program is actually a dynamic process . Consistently evaluate the efficiency of your program you created with your success in the measurable tasks you have previously determined .
Evalua�ng your current schedule will help you get a good look at how you use your �me and iden�fy where you can be more efficient and what ac�vi�es you can change .
6 . Get to know yourself
Actually , one of the most important parts in crea�ng your program is to figure out how you are mo�vated and how you learned , that is , to know yourself . For example , do you learn be�er by auditory or visual ? How long is your mo�va�on last ? Does your mo�va�on come from within or does your mo�va�on need to be constantly supported from outside ? Ask yourself ques�ons like these and get to know yourself . Adapt your program to your personal characteris�cs and observe the increase in efficiency you achieve .
7 . Evaluate your work discipline
Although you can design a great program for yourself , if you don ' t commit yourself to it , your program will be rela�vely inadequate . As a result , you should spend some �me reflec�ng on your study discipline . If you tend to take a lot of breaks , you can try working with short intervals , such as the Pomodoro method . If you have trouble focusing or have difficulty ge�ng to work , you can set addi�onal �me in your schedule to raise your focus before working hours .