How to work more effiently ?

8 . Make the most of your planned leisure �me
One of the biggest challenges of following a study program is that you don ' t want to s�ck to a constant schedule , but rather do something relaxing or fun . However , you have to resist this ins�nct and follow your schedule . For this reason , you should make the most of the free �me you put into your schedule . In your spare �me , move away from your workspace . Walking , fresh air , or light exercise can relax you and help you focus when you need to return to work .
Don ' t think of free �me as those moments when you get rid of work . Consider free �me as a reward a�er each training session , and get the most out of your reward . But remember , avoid distrac�ons that could prolong your break . Use only the reserved break �me . Taking extra breaks or extending breaks can damage your schedule .
9 . Tell your rela�ves about your program
Some�mes the people we care about in our lives can distance us from our program . They don ' t do it maliciously , it just happens because they love you and want to spend �me with you . To avoid this , let people in your life know about your schedule . That way , if they want to do something with you , they can plan according to the appropriate �mes in your schedule .
10 . If you are behind your schedule , don ' t panic
Unexpected obstacles , setbacks , and loss of mo�va�on can leave you behind on your schedule . At this point , panicking can stress you out and make you make more mistakes . The best thing to do is to reconsider the goal you need to achieve and the deadline . Revise the work blocks and rest intervals in your schedule . Priori�ze urgent tasks , postpone tasks that can wait . Update your sources of mo�va�on . If necessary , ask for outside support . That way , get your schedule back in place without distrac�ng yourself .
A study plan is an effec�ve way to contribute to your own personal development . Time management can be difficult . In addi�on to your work , you also have other tasks such as social ac�vi�es , rest and giving �me for loved ones . Crea�ng a study plan allows you to see how you spend your �me . However , following a study plan requires self-discipline and determina�on . Your determina�on shows how far you will progress in your career goals .