Studying is an important part of academic success . However , it can be difficult to find working �me for every subject we need to work on . It is necessary to create a sound study program for a successful educa�on . However , crea�ng a study schedule can be more difficult than you think . Good study program ; Not only does it priori�ze all the issues you need to work on within a given �me frame , it also needs to balance other responsibili�es such as family , friends and entertainment . As a result , it may be possible to achieve all your academic goals by crea�ng a well thought out and designed program . Now I will give you 10 �ps on how to prepare a good study program .
1 . Set short and long term goals to work
Crea�ng and managing your schedule will be easier if you know what you want to achieve in the end . This will also help you iden�fy areas to focus on . Short-term goals may include finishing a specific topic within a week , wri�ng an ar�cle within 2 weeks , or preparing a presenta�on within 10 days . For these goals , break down the tasks to be done by day . Long-term goals may include entering a specific university or job . Set measurable tasks so you can check your progress by month to make your long-term goals more manageable .
How much �me do you have for each of these goals ? Make sure you know this well . Write the due date and calculate how many days , weeks and months are le� . For example , when is your deadline for submi�ng your project ? Program the tasks to be performed in detail un�l the deadline , by calcula�ng the possible problems that may arise .
2 . List all the topics you need to study
Perhaps the first step in crea�ng your study program is to list all the courses you need to study or all the jobs you need to do . Recording your obliga�ons on paper will help you get a be�er idea of what you really have to do . If you have extra responsibili�es to fulfil your du�es , add them to the list as well .
3 . Set priori�es in your list
A�er making a list of all the tasks you need to perform , priori�ze the list . Ranking each task by importance will help you understand which topics and how much �me should be devoted .
Remember ! In my video about " Mo�va�on ", I men�oned that the difficulty level should be adjusted very well while planning the tasks . When planning the tasks , pay a�en�on to the balance between very difficult and very easy tasks .