How can you be mo�vated for a specific goal ?
First , set achievable goals . Then think about why you set the goal and what you want to change . Eliminate factors that will distract you from your goal . Determine why your goal is important to you . If you determine the importance of the goal , you can focus your a�en�on and strengthen your mo�va�on .
Iden�fy a set of small , specific , measurable tasks to cover your goal . Create a plan for performing all small tasks to achieve the big goal . Smaller goals are easier to achieve . A�er comple�ng a task , strike out the item in the task list may encourage you to con�nue . Making items measurable allows you to recognize and celebrate when each is done , and then move on to the next step . Targets should be set for a specific difficulty level . If the goal is too difficult , you may be daunted to start . If the goal is too easy , it can make you bored this �me . The op�mum goal should present a manageable diffuculty .
Why Do We Lack of Mo�va�on ?
Everyone loses their self-mo�va�on from �me to �me or may lack the will to mo�vate themselves . If you have a long-term loss of mo�va�on or are unable to start a task that is clearly important , there are several possibili�es that cause it . Your goals may need to be rearranged because o�en the tasks that determined are either too large or too complex . Therefore , you may be experiencing burnout . As we just explained , the goal needs to be broken down into smaller components . You may lack confidence rather than mo�va�on and therefore fear moving forward . Perfec�onism or slowness is associated with a lack of trust . If you doubt your ability to perform the task at hand , you will be mo�vated anxiously and unable to act .