In the gap between mo�va�on and taking ac�on , there are many forms of self doubt and frustra�on . It is important to iden�fy which thought processes cut the link between mo�va�on and ac�on to achieve the goal . Depression or dysthymic disorder - that is , chronic depression - can lead to a feeling of apathy . In these situa�ons , lack of mo�va�on is a symptom of low mood . The dissa�sfac�on associated with depression takes away the ability to pay a�en�on over a period of �me . Because neural circuits in the brain that regulate reward and mo�va�on do not work together .
Environmental events and social ambiance are the prime condi�ons that mo�vate us . Then our physiological and psychological needs give us strength , our consciousness guides us , and the intensity of our emo�ons energizes us . The combina�on of premise condi�ons and ins�ncts ignites the mo�va�on to move us towards a goal . With your taking ac�on , stronger emo�onal states occur . This situa�on reinforces behavior and increases mo�va�on through a posi�ve feedback loop .
Mo�va�on is a dynamic process and our mo�ves change over �me . We cannot stay mo�vated con�nuously . As condi�ons change and �me passes , mo�va�on rise and fall . This affects our focus , will and ambi�on . It is especially important to be aware of how our mo�va�on changes over �me when we are se�ng our goals .
Mo�va�on can also be developed for performing rou�ne or boring ac�vi�es . For this , the objec�ves should be clear and the methods to be used to fulfill the tasks should be chosen well . Clarity and choice , together , can increase overall mo�va�on as they meet basic psychological needs . Short-term goals increase mo�va�on by providing more frequent feedback on progress . Short-term goals work be�er in ac�vi�es that are not enjoyable , which further reinforces efforts to keep going .
Yes , the best way to increase your personal effec�veness is to find the strength to mo�vate you and to control your mo�va�on . If you can master mo�va�on , you will be able to cope with life ' s setbacks , always find a way in the face of problems , and create new experiences for yourself .
Understanding mo�va�on is important in many areas of life , from paren�ng to the workplace . You may want to set the best goals and establish the right reward systems to mo�vate others as well as to increase your own mo�va�on .