Finding ways to increase mo�va�on is crucial because it allows us to change behavior , develop competencies , be crea�ve , set goals , grow interests , make plans , develop talents , and boost engagement . Applying mo�va�onal science to everyday life helps us to mo�vate employees , coach athletes , raise children , counsel clients , and engage students .
Mo�va�on is the desire to act in service of a goal . Mo�va�on is the process of individuals ac�ng with their own desires to achieve a specific goal . Mo�va�on is a very important element in determining and achieving one ' s goals . Mo�va�on can have many sources , and o�en people have mul�ple mo�ves for engaging in any one behaviour .
Let ' s define it as a driving force or a need ; Mo�va�on is an intrinsic energy that seeks change in ourselves or our environment . Mo�va�on involves the biological , emo�onal , social , and cogni�ve forces that ac�vate behavior . If the person u�lizes this energy , he / she has the power to interact with his / her environment as an open minded and problem-solving individual .
In this context , it is important for us to discover the right sources of mo�va�on for ourselves in order to reach our goals . Mo�va�on is influenced by the sa�sfac�on of needs that are either necessary for sustaining life or essen�al for wellbeing and growth . Mo�va�on can have many sources , and o�en people have more than one mo�ve to engage in any behavior .
The source of mo�va�on may be exogenous . In extrinsic mo�va�on , a person is inspired by external influences , other people , or events . Mo�va�on can also be internal . The desire to improve in a par�cular ac�vity or achieve a specific goal can arise from a person ' s inside . Intrinsic mo�va�on tends to push people more strongly , and achievements are more sa�sfying .