Self-guided hike self_guided brochure EN | Page 21

STATION 10 Ceiba Trail A butterfly that prefers the heights: Agrias aedon rodriguezi. Chasing Butterflies Imagine una vida sin tocar el suelo. Muchas mariposas viven así: toda su vida en lo alto del bosque, desde el huevo hasta la muerte, sin bajar de las alturas. Otras en cambio nunca vuelan a más de 4 metros de alto. In Tirimbina, butterfly research began in 2003 and continues today. Researchers collect larvae and also use traps with ripe bananas to study butterflies that eat fruits. In front of you there is a trap like the ones they use, there are 60 in the whole forest. With long-term studies like this we can better understand the changes in butterfly communities and in the future understand the effects of phenomena such as climate change on them. Butterflies of the understory Cithaerias menander Pierella helvetia Did you know… In Tirimbina, we discovered butterflies never before described by science. We find a species (Anastrus isidro) and a sub-species (Cuniza hirlandia tirimbina), new to the world.