SEKY August 2023 | Page 10

that assist us with student safety and we are even beginning to look at the possibilities of using AI programming to assist us . Our staff is very well trained on many aspects of school safety as well . Through the help of the Pulaski County Sheriff ’ s Department we are providing each of our schools with a School Resource Officer . Just like many jobs today the positions can be hard to fill because of lack of applicants . However , we will remain diligent in trying to keep these most important positions filled .
6 . How do you feel about where your district is academically ? Where does it shine ?
JD : Academically speaking we continue to offer our students a strong educational program that well prepares them for future learning . We focus on engaging our students in their learning and teaching them to reason , problemsolve , and apply their knowledge . Our Arts program continues to grow which gives our students even more outlets to achieve . All of this in an environment that is supportive and nurturing , that meets students where they are and moves them forward , and holds true to traditions that make Science Hill Independent unique .
KL : Somerset has a long tradition of excellence when it comes to academic performance . The district continually strives to provide students as many high quality academic offerings as possible . Students get to experience strong programs at all three schools including art , drama , music , accelerated middle school classes , Advanced Placement and Dual Credit courses .
We are extremely proud of our Carnegie Academy located within
10 • SEKY - Life in Southeast Kentucky august 2023