SEKY August 2023 | Page 9

The district ’ s Gear Up program will be transitioning to working with high school students , along with the middle school students they have been serving the past couple of years .
PR : As always , we have some movement of staff in the district over the summer . The most notable are some changes in the principal positions . Mr . Steven Butcher will be taking over the reins of Southern Middle School and Mrs . Bobbie Haney will be at the helm at Nancy Elementary School . Both these folks are excellent leaders and we look for great things from them . Facility-wise , we have had a lot going on this summer . We have been in the process of replacing over 30-year-old HVAC equipment at four of our elementary schools . Work will be continuing on our two new Health and Wellness facilities . We hope to be able to occupy them in the coming school year . Also , it will be exciting to watch the construction process throughout the year of the New Burnside Elementary scheduled to hopefully open by August of 2025 .
4 . We ’ re now basically out of the period where COVID was a huge factor , and yet many students now have never known an era where it hadn ’ t been a factor . Graduating seniors will be the first class to have entered high school with those changes already in place . What long-term effects have you seen in students and the school environment as a result of COVID that maybe didn ’ t exist for prior classes ?
JD : Covid impacted all schools in some way , but honestly , I think Science Hill Independent handled it as well as anyone out there . We were only out of session when the government mandated it and during those times my teachers worked hard to provide relevant , meaningful online instruction . Yes , our students are having to catch up on some social skills and we have a greater number that are a bit behind academically , but all in all I think our school weathered the storm well .
KL : Data still indicates significant learning loss and an achievement deficit due to interrupted educational services during COVID . However , the largest residual effect from COVID seems to be the negative impact the pandemic had on students ’ social and emotional wellbeing .
PR : The biggest long-term effect seems to be parent and student apathy with attendance . During the pandemic we simply made excuses for students not to come to school for almost three years . That is a mindset that we must change . Students need to be in school every day they can , to get the maximum benefit out of education .
5 . School safety is always a concern in this day and age . Can you talk about the importance you place on that and what you do to keep students safe in the classroom ?
JD : We are happy to welcome a new SRO to our building for the 2023- 2024 school year . In addition to his presence and guidance , we are always continuing to make sure our teachers and students are well-trained in school safety procedures . We will have our STOP tipline in place for the upcoming school year as well to help us be vigilant protecting our students .
KL : Student safety is our first priority . We are continually evaluating and adapting our safety protocols / procedures to ensure students and staff are safe at all times . Thanks to the strong partnership with the City of Somerset and the Somerset Police Department , we maintain a well trained School Resource Officer in each school .
PR : In Pulaski County Schools , we place school safety at the top of the list . We use technology in our schools
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August 2023 SEKY - Life in Southeast Kentucky • 9