teaching in beijing
Every Monday the pupils at this school wear their school uniform and join together on the playground for a flag raising ceremony. They salute the national flag and sing the Country’s anthem. After this, the pupils take part in a variety of physical exercises. The photograph above shows the pupils, and some of our teachers from England, engaging in eye exercises. These are also done in classrooms throughout the school day.
Louise is the Assistant Principal at Robin Hood Academy in Birmingham, England.
louise cole
At Robin Hood Academy, we teach writing through a scheme called ‘Talk for Writing’. This is a whole school approach to teaching writing and is done through actions and verbally telling stories. Our teachers taught a lesson to Grade 2 pupils and taught them the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood.
We observed a variety of lesson, including Maths, English and Music. In each of the lessons we saw, it was pupils who initiated the learning with a short presentation about one aspect of the subject. They presented to the rest of the class and asked their peers to comment and give feedback.