SdE Teachers Handbook V4 | Page 22

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I understand the limited nature of natural resources and the importance of their sustainable use at the national level in proportion to the global operating environment I know the main objectives of ecological , financial , social and cultural sustainability in sustainable development I can identify the different phases in the life cycle of a product I am able to explain why a business idea is sustainable I can create and assess sustainable business ideas and opportunities I can present / pitch my sustainability-driven business ideas and opportunities
3 ) Current abilities in sustainable business development ( four items ) o Different forms of entrepreneurship ( i . e . part-time , hybrid entrepreneurs , light entrepreneurs , intra entrepreneurs , social entrepreneurs ) o Business models o Developing a business idea o Pitching effectively
4 ) Entrepreneurial intentions ( four items ) o How likely are you to continue your career employed by another ( i . e . in salaried work ) after graduation ? very unlikely-likely ( reversed ) o How likely are you to start your own business and work as an entrepreneur after graduation ( or while still studying )? very unlikely-likely o How likely is it that you will be employed for most of your career by a company or public organization ( without any connection to entrepreneurship )? very unlikely-likely ( reversed ) o How strong is your intention to embark on entrepreneurship at some point of your professional career ? no intention-very strong
5 ) Perveived behavioral control ( one item ) o If I established a business and started to work as an entrepreneur after graduation , my chance of success would be ( very slim – very good )
6 ) Attitudes ( nine items ) o Interesting o Esteemed o Dishonest o Worth pursuing o Boring ( reversed ) o Fasinating o Despised ( reversed ) o Good income level o Oppressive ( reversed )
For statistical purposes , it is possible to calculate mean variables ( indexes ) for each main variable . For example , for calculating a mean variable , you should first turn the reversed items , and after that , calculate a mean from the items . Of course , it is also possible to use only the separate items .
After a pedagogical intervention , students should answer the same survey again . By comparing mean values of sustainable entrepreneurship competence , current abilities and entrepreneurial intention and its antecedents at an individual level , it is possible to see whether there has been