SdE Teachers Handbook V4 | Page 21

value . Students who had an entrepreneurial role model in the family had higher entrepreneurial intentions , PBC and attitudes . Students evaluate their entrepreneurship competence ( ideas and opportunities , resources , and into action ) quite high . One item relating to Resources : “ the ability to understand economic and financial issues ” was really important . Students with high ability in this one item had higher business skills in general , higher entrepreneurial intentions , PBC , more positive attitudes and subjective norm , higher entrepreneurship competence and higher sustainable entrepreneurship competence . Regarding business skills , women had lower mean values than men did . Training , experience , and role models had a positive effect on business skills . Regarding sustainability entrepreneurship competence , men had higher values in diversity competence than their women counterparts . Role models made a difference : students with entrepreneurial role models had higher sustainability entrepreneurship competence .
The results of the surveys indicate , that teaching should be gender sensitive , and support women ’ s self-esteem . Students with high entrepreneurial intentions can be identified using the survey and given extra support . PBC is really important in explaining both intentions and start-up behavior , and this should be taken into account when developing teaching methods in entrepreneurship . Results showed that students and teachers feel they have high ability in “ soft skills ” ( e . g . developing ideas ), but low abilities in “ hard skills ” ( e . g . financing business , business transfers ). This should be taken into account in teacher training . Understanding economic and financial issues is really important , and versatile teaching methods should be used in entrepreneurship training . Especially strategic action competence needs attention . Teachers should develop their skills in teaching how social , environmental and societal challenges can be turned into opportunities for a company , which steps should be taken to reach goals in sustainability , and how to monitor the sustainability performance of a company . Teachers ’ networks should be developed . Results of the survey showed , that teachers who had more experience from business life used more versatile teaching methods , and had higher ability to teach business skills .
4.2.2 Impact survey results in European context
The summary of the impact survey results will be written here later .
4.3 Using surveys in measuring the effect of entrepreneurship education
The survey developed for students can be used in measuring the effects of different entrepreneurship education courses or programmes both in secondary and higher education level . Longva and Foss ( 2018 ) state that measuring the impact of entrepreneurship education is simply aiming to see if a pedagogical intervention has caused a change in specific outcome variables . The impact survey can be used for this purpose . It is based on pre- and post-tests . Before the pedagogical intervention , students should answer the survey . It consists of the following parts :
1 ) Background ( gender , prior experience of entrepreneurship-related courses or training )
2 ) Sustainable entrepreneurship competence ( eight items ) o I am able to analyse my strengths and competences in my own environment o I am able to present my competence that is relevant to business