SdE Teachers Handbook V4 | Page 20

Table 3 . Sustainable entrepreneurship competence , mean values for students ( scale 1-7 ).
Table 4 presents also the mean values for teachers in the ability to teach both entrepreneurship competence ( Ideas and opportunities , Resources , Into action ), and in the ability to teach sustainable entrepreneurship competence . Normative competence has high mean values from both students and teachers , and the lowest mean values were found from strategic action competence ( both teachers and students ). It seems that the abilities of teachers to teach different competences are reflected in the students ’ abilities .
Table 4 . Students ’ abilities and teachers ’ ability to teach ( scale 1-7 ).
The closer analysis of the survey results showed , that women students had lower PBC and attitudes , but higher subjective norm compared to men student . Students who had participated in entrepreneurship related training had much higher values in PBC , attitudes , and subjective norm . Also experience of starting a business before or currently had a positive effect on the mean values of entrepreneurial intentions , PBC , attitudes and subjective norm . Role models have also