SdE Teachers Handbook V4 | Page 18

Regional Government of Education of the Government of Catalonia , Spain ). Lowest mean values were found from students studying in the field of tourism , catering and domestic services , and highest mean values from students studying in the field of humanities and education .
Next , the abilities related to business development were measured with 12 items . Figure 1 presents the mean values of the different abilities . Students have quite good ability in developing a business idea and analyzing competitors , but not very good ability in business transfers of financing business ( scale 1-7 ).
Figure 1 . Abilities related to business development ( scale 1-7 ).
This same question was asked from teachers . Table 2 presents the teachers ’ ability to teach these competences . It shows , that teachers ’ ability to teach different capabilities reflect students ’ answers . Teachers feel that they are quite good in teaching the development of a business idea , but no very good in teaching business transfers .