Table 1 . The mean values of entrepreneurial intentions , subjective norm , perceived behavioral control , and attitudes ( scale 1-7 for intentions , perceived behavioral control and attitudes , scale -63- + 63 for subjective norm ).
Next , the entrepreneurial competence of students was measured . The questions were based on EntreComp Framework ( Bacigalupo et al ., 2016 ). EntreComp framework was developed in order to find a shared definition of entrepreneurship competence ( Bagicalupo et al ., 2016 ), and the work was initiated by the European Commission . EntreComp framework was developed by multiple researchers through a mixed-methods approach . In EntreComp framework entrepreneurship is defined as the capacity to turn value generating ideas into action , and a transversal key competence needed by every citizen for personal fulfilment and development , active citizenship , social inclusion and employment in the knowledge society ( Bagicalupo et al ., 2016 ). Entrepreneurship competence is seen as an ability to create value for others and turn ideas into action with required resources .
EntreComp framework see entrepreneurship competence consisting of three interrelated and interconnected areas of 1 ) Ideas and opportunities , 2 ) Resources , and 3 ) Into action . Each of these areas consist of five competences , which together form the concept of entrepreneurship competence . The competences of “ Ideas and opportunities ” are spotting opportunities , creativity , vision , valuing ideas and ethical & sustainable thinking . The competences of “ Resources ” are selfawareness & self-efficacy , motivation & perseverance , mobilizing resources , financial & economic literacy , and mobilizing others . The competences of “ Into action ” are taking initiative , planning & management , coping with ambiguity , uncertainty and risk , working with others , and learning through experience . These were used in creating the items for measuring entrepreneurship competence .
The mean value of Ideas and opportunities varied between 4,3 ( students in SEDU , Finland ) and 5,4 ( students in General Direction for VET and Specialized Studies , Regional Government of Education of the Government of Catalonia , Spain ) on a scale 1-7 . The mean value of all students was 4,7 . Students studying in the field of Humanities and Education had the highest mean value ( 5,4 ). The lowest mean value ( 4,4 ) were found from students studying in the field of social services , health and sports .
The mean value of Resources was highest with students studying in WSX , UK ( 5,0 ) on a scale 1-7 . The lowest values of Resources were found with students studying in SEDU , Finland ( 4,2 ). The mean value of all students was 4,5 . Again , the lowest values were found with students studying in the field of social services , health and sports ( 4,1 ) and highest values with students studying in the field of social sciences , business and administration ( 4,9 ). The mean values for Into action varied between 4,2 ( SEDU , Finland ) and 5,1 ( General Direction for VET and Specialized Studies ,