4 . Entrepreneurship Thermometer - to Support SdE Implementation
The aim of the SdE study unit is to develop students ’ and trainers ’ competence on entrepreneurial skills with sustainable approach . Situation analysis and impact surveys were created , tested , and piloted during the Sustainability-driven Entrepreneurship project . These surveys support teachers in the planning and implementation of SdE studies . Here is briefly introduced the use of SdE surveys and survey results .
4.1 The use of SdE surveys
Next is explained briefly the use of SdE surveys . Transferability is high because these surveys can be answered by students and teachers from different study fields .
4.1.1 Situation analysis survey
Situation analysis survey can be used as a tool to analyse the current knowledge , experience and attitudes related to sustainability-driven entrepreneurship among the students and teachers . This survey can be used e . g ., when school wants to know their staff and students ’ overall competence with sustainability-driven entrepreneurship or as a tool for teacher when planning the implementation of SdE studies . Situation analysis survey should be conducted prior starting the SdE study module . It can be targeted for students and teachers or just for students when planning study unit implementation or pilot .
Before starting SdE studies , current competences and lacks can be surveyed in order to make visible which knowledge , skills and competences should be taught and what is the level of teachers ’ knowledge . By implementing situation analysis survey , know-how on the sustainabilitydriven entrepreneurship and intentions on entrepreneurship can be researched . This information will map out possible competence gaps and needs for development . The analysis survey can be used also in other contexts , such as planning of teachers ’ further training .
The objective of the surveys is to
- analyse the current knowledge , experience and attitudes related to sustainable-driven entrepreneurship among the teachers and / or students
- measure entrepreneurial intentions of teachers and / or students regarding sustainabilitydriven entrepreneurship
- identify the gap between the current knowledge & experience and the needs .