3 . How to pilot SdE Study Module
If you want to pilot SdE study module , it can be done in a same way than these materials where piloted during the SdE project . You can pilot SdE study module and its learning materials by following this pilot implementation plan .
SdE Pilot Implementation Plan
1 . Choose the level 2 . Check implementation plans from ANNEXES and share learning materials with students 3 . Before starting the pilot conduct impact survey 4 . Pilot specific learning outcomes : 1.1 , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.2 , 3.1 , 4.1 , 4.2 and 4.3 o these lessons can be impemented in clasroom or on elearning environment o you can also use project ’ s website as an elearning environment o duration altogether about 15 hours o This content will give needed knowledge and basic skills for students to participate to the SdE competition 5 . Option : organise and pilot SdE competition after finishing the pilot 6 . After the end of the pilot conduct impact survey again , analyse the results and evaluate the learning outcomes
Make preparations
Implement pilot
Organise competition