1‐The first thing is to begin a brief review of the history of the band , When did you start playing ? , Who were the original members ? And how was this me the scene for you ?
We started officialy in early 2008 and the first line up was composed by me ( brutaljohn ) on drums , Valerio on guitar , Klaudio on Bass and Savino as vocalist ; At that me it was the first experience for us and we were such strangers into italian death metal scene , we knew all the bans just because we had listened to their music , a er having moved the first steps we have been also more involved into the scene and we have taken our place .
2‐Tell us about " DROWNING FOR SALVATION ", how long they ' ve been recording and wri ng this work ?
Drowning for salva on has been our first work , we started to write it with the original line up in the early 2009 but when Angelo joined the band ( may 2009 ) we ' ve been forced to rearrange all the tracks we had in order to have more technical and faster riffs and then complete the track list ; the last song we wrote ( Brain Pressure Breaking Skull ) was in june 2010 , so we took quite 1 year to write the cd . Then , in septembre 2010 we entered the studio and ‐ with some pauses ‐ all the album was ready in february‐march 2011 .
3 ‐ How to enter the line of COYOTE RECORDS ? And how a r e t h i n g s o n t h e C D distribu on ?
Our guitarist Angelo , before joining ONICECTOMY , was playing with another italian brutal band called ENGORGEMENT IN VEINS , and they were already in contact with Dimitry from COYOTE RECORDS , then his band spli ed‐up so when we finished to record some promo tracks Angelo sent this promo to Dimitry who appreciated the work and decided to produce our first full lenght .
first experience with cd produc on we are completely sa sfied : COYOTE RECORDS has been a serious label , the prin ng of the cd is really professional , He give us the chance to make a complete booklet full of pictures and with all the lyrics and then he has shared our work with a loto of label and people all around the world , making us receive a lot of posi ve feedbacks .
4 ‐ What is the meaning and inspira on of the tle of the CD " DROWNING FOR SALVATION "? and What does the CD cover ?
All the lyrics of the album talk about human sacrifice in Aztech religion , described with more gore and spla er elements and it ' s a metaphore of the way used by religion to impress ideas into human being ' s mind . " drowning for salva on " talks about a sacrifice in which the vic m was inchained to a big stone and cast into a lake to bag the benevolenco of their gods . The cover represent a mix between the classical Aztech god and a man as to represent that humans have always been so evil but they need to cover the evilness behind any divine construc on .
5 ‐ What were the editors of the press and fans ?
We received a lot of posi ve reviews and the m a n y p e o p l e h a v e apprecate our work expecially when we play those tracks into a live show : yes , i must admit , i like so much those tracks played live that as they are on the cd XD
6 ‐ What do they talk about the issues of " D R O W N I N G F O R SALVATION "?
Most of the reviews we have received have considered it as a well done album with an hard rhytmic session full of blast and breakdowns and an exci ng guitar riffing all fused in the best way togheter in order to have a balanced sound from whom the gu ural voices comes out . Everybody says : it ' s nothing new into the death metal scene , but it ' s classical well done brutal death metal . By the way you can read a lot of reviews and see directly how does the press talks about it , you can find all the links v i s i n g o u r o ffi c i a l pages .
7 ‐ How is the music scene in your area ?
And have you had the opportunity to play and with what bands ?
The scene is Italy is full of great band
( Putridity , Septycal Gorge , Vulvectomy , Hour
Of Penance ,
Antropofagus and many many more ) in the last period is also growing the number of underground fes vals or shows so i think something is changing and there are always more