5 - How was the union to work with MORBID MANAGEMENT ? , Why them ? And how are things ?
* We needed a management to represent us , since the band is growing . We were checking out some companies and this one in par cular did the best effort . So far the guy of Morbid did his best for us .
6 - Do tell us how was the process of crea ng the cover ? , Does the work with Tom Kvålsvoll ? And also the work of Michal Karcz whom the picture ?
* The en re artwork , cover and booklet is made by Michal Karcz , like our debut . We were happy with the result of the first album and if possible , even happier with the crea ons for the new cd . He does his thing , we pick something we like and he adjusted it to fit with the concept . This is all Dries ' ( synths ) effort , since he completed the artwork and choose the lay-out .
7 - Why the name for the album " Irreversible Decay "?
* All the lyrics on this par cular album were about the destruc on of our planet , by the forces of nature itself . No ma er how terrible a disaster , there ' s always something wonderful about it . How it looks or how strong it is or how it ends . Hence the tle …..
About the concerts ?, I have understood that they are ready for a tour with Negura Bunget , What are your expecta ons for this tour ? * Well , it ' s our first tour , but we ' re convinced we ' ll manage and do great . We ' re no rookies and we ' ve been playing with this band for 18 months now . It will work out fine . We ' re especially happy this brings us a li le further across the borders , so we ' re spreading the plague slowly ; - )
10- ¿ Qué planes ene para promover este nuevo material ?
* We ' ve been presen ng the new stuff in the videoreports of the studio-sessions . Next up : revealing the artwork and the tle and in December we ' ll be recording a new videoclip . The whole shabang will be released and exposed in January . We ' ll do another video shortly a er that and don ' t forget our shows of course , where we will be playing new songs each and every me as well .
11 - Final comments ? And something you want to add
* Watch our video ' s , check out our music and if you like what you hear : buy the albums and get us to Columbia ! Thanks for the in e ! ReinieR Schenk for Saille
9 - What do you know of our dark black metal scene in Colombia ? And in La n America ?
* I ' m afraid to say we don ' t know of any La n American bands in the genre , let alone in Colombia . You guys should do something about that !