SCUMZINE edición #5 scumzina magazine | Page 68

Here Ricardo Bedoya from Colombia , how are things in Belgium ? * Wet , cold and cloudy as ever , thanks ; - )
1-We started a li le bit about how the band formed ? SAIILE name and where does ?
* It started as a one person , one- me project by Dries [ keyboards ]. Within a few months it all grew bigger than expected and pre y soon Saille became a real live-band . All le ers in this Ogham alphabet were depicted as a type tree . So Saille means willow (“ Salix ”) indeed and was not wri en , but carved in trees a n d s t o n e s . I t w a s t h i s c o m b i n a o n , c a r v i n g something beau ful , that Dries liked so much when he chose the name . It ' s also a short name and it fits the music .
2 - T h e y a r e c u r r e n t l y re c o rd i n g a n a l b u m fo r code666 RECORDS , how are things at SHUMCOT IN
Aartrijke studies ? , How is working with producer Reinier Schenk ? And can you tell us ?
* The new album is ready and we sent it to our record c o m p a n y C o d e 6 6 6 . T h e recording sessions went quite smooth and the mix as well . The en re album was recorded and mixed within 10 weeks . Those were 10 weeks of hard work for all of us , but we were on it and focussed . Producer Reinier Schenk is a magnificent guy and he knows what he ' s doing . He is also extremely hot and sexy and replying to your ques ons in this interview as we speak ; - )
3 - Tell us about the lyrics to this thesis include rituals of destruc on and war ? And why these issues for le ers ? ; What do you read literature right now and that you recommend ?
* Our debut was about the beauty of destruc on , not about war .
The main theme throughout the en re new album is ' rites from different cultures '. The lyrics are more demonic too now . We don ' t have issues for le ers …..? The band ' s name Saille is just a le er in Irish , but that ' s it . Personally I ' m reading Isabelle Allende ' s books right now and just finished Gabriel Garcia Marquez coincidentally ( he ' s from Columbia , I know ). But for the lyrics we used H . P . Lovecra and Internet . For the moment I recommend the Game Of Thrones books ( all of them ), they ' re great !
4 - How is the hiring of the band at 666 CODE RECORDS ? And why this stamp ?
* The coopera on with Code666 is going great . They do their very best for us and vice versa . Since Code666 was the label with the best prospec ve for us and the first to go all the way we were happy to join this label ' s force .