SCUMZINE edición #5 scumzina magazine | Page 70

Here Ricardo Bedoya , how are things in the band ? Gree ngs friends , I raka vocalist of the band as well as the owner of the Illuminatus zine
1-Let ' s start : How do I form the band ? And where did that name TYRANITY ?
This band is formed is because fondness top of realtone the extreme this its own as well as the art who interes ng therein , name of TYRANITY it ' s itself at ini ally only joking mere , because ini ally of each personnel has been has the band and try to make project interes ng . Once we understand TYRANITY itself might be easier to understand the cruel king Meaningful or the like . And personnel that we currently Raka ( vocals ), Wahyu ( Guitar ), Arifin ( Bass ) and Sigit ( Drum ).
2 - Tell us about the philosophy and theme of the band ?
4 - How is the process of crea ng the songs ? And what is the impact ?
Almost the same as the answer in the beginning was , all of the theme song or the philosophy of the story we are all condi oned the origin of what we see , we feel and of course the li le people feel good the bad system of government , a culture that has been contaminated will be bad things and that certainly also the greedy nature of man himself . Impact problems , we do not think it ' s going so far but we ' re just trying to pull out all the ideas our head . Not our capacity also to think about the implica ons . The world needs an honest expression of the issues that we raise .
Theme our band that is always raised what happens around us be it the poor governance system and of course the greedy human nature .
3 - How the work was done the logo of the band and its crea ve process ?
This logo I created only with spontaneity without any inspira on from other band logos . This logo is very simple and basically we want to portray that we have a spirit band brutality . I do own logo is no reason why I do it myself , I was with my friends think the worst of what we do is important is the work itself .
5 - Tell us about the shows of the band ? And With which bands have played and metal fes vals ?
All the events that we went to all interes ng because it is a lesson for the band to be even be er for the future than ge ng new friends of course . Bands that had a stage with our very much like Djin , Paranoid Despire , Internal amputa on , Death masochist , Hatestroke , Slave Of Devastate , and much more .
6 - Tell us about that material is ? Did a special stamp that is interested ? And I have thought that design for the cover art ?
for the moment we have 6 material that : - Intro -Hancur ( Perang Saudara ). " The song tells the story of brotherhood , but damaged and destroyed due to want each other to each other for control of a recogni on and power "