SCUBA September 2021 Issue 118 | Page 6


Protect our seas – guidelines set

BSAC HAS RELEASED NEW GUIDELINES on how divers and snorkellers can help to protect and conserve our oceans .
The guidelines are for BSAC members and anyone else in the wider diving community wanting to incorporate ways to help protect the marine environment into their diving and snorkelling .
Environment lead at BSAC , Jane Maddocks , said the guidelines are intended to encourage diving that is also sensitive to the needs of the underwater world .
“ We already know from member research that divers and snorkellers care deeply about the marine environment and they see BSAC activity in this area as very important ,” Jane explained . “ These new guidelines will support us all in making informed decisions when it comes to our own diving and snorkelling activity .”
Written by the BSAC Environment Team , the guidelines cover topics such as diving and snorkelling activity , food and travel , and how to get more actively involved in conservation projects .
The guidelines are part of a wider strategic programme to strengthen BSAC ’ s role in protecting and conserving the underwater environment . You can download the guidelines at bsac . com / protectourseasguide
If you have any suggestions or feedback for the BSAC Environment Team , please email environment @ bsac . com

Time to refresh your page ?

BSAC DIGITAL PARTNER KOLODO Uniform has been helping 60 BSAC clubs launch new websites . The aim of the partnership was to supply BSAC clubs with a solution to create good looking , easy to use and results-driven new websites .
The first wave of clubs is now enjoying their new look sites , with functionality including a Try Dive sign-up form , photo gallery and the ability to add trips , training and social events .
High Wycombe Sub-Aqua Club ’ s Training Officer Len Sumner said : “ We wanted a secure website that didn ’ t require in-club technical skills to maintain and promoted the club so that we could attract new members and try divers . Now it ’ s launched , enquiries are coming through , and new members have been impressed by the look and feel of the website . They found it easy to use .”
Kolodo Uniform is now inviting further clubs to attend an information webinar on Tuesday 7 September at 7.30pm . The webinar will show members what the club websites look like , how they function , the process of setting up and how they help clubs . Members will be able to ask questions and listen to clubs that have already used the service .
BSAC CEO Mary Tetley said : “ The new club websites look amazing ! We hope that other clubs will sign up as good websites are so important in helping clubs be successful .” BSAC secured sponsorship funding to make the websites more cost-effective for clubs . The websites cost £ 200 each and , post launch , there are ongoing costs of £ 6 per month to cover hosting and support . To understand how your club could benefit please sign up to the webinar at kolodouniform . com / bsac
The webinar will be held on Tuesday 7 September at 7.30pm and is open to all club members .