SCUBA September 2021 Issue 118 | Page 5

14 Critter Confidential


All the latest BSAC and diving news
12 Book reviews
New books from John Volanthen ; Rick Stanton ; Paul Naylor ; Jamie Watts
14 Critter Confidential : On the Spot
The intricate environment of Loch Duich
19 Kirsty Andrews
Responsible treasure hunting
21 Yo-Han Cha
Where ’ s Wally ? In the Scillies !
23 Michelle Haywood
Lithium batteries - power at a price ?
25 Anatomy of a Diver
Anticoagulant drugs need-to-know
26 SCUBA Chat
Your letters and announcements
28 Club Focus
Bedford SAC members celebrate their 60th anniversary
34 Identifying U-95
Fran Hockley on the 70m dives that solved the mystery
40 Protect Our Seas
Wreck rules ; playing the guitarfish ; Plymouth ’ s Renaissance
44 Below the Skye Line
Meet the former police diver now recording the shallow seas of Skye
50 Wrecked : SS Sphene
Andy Hunt tours a shallow North Cornwall wreck
56 The Whale in the Living Room
Blue Planet producer John Ruthven on the magic behind the camera
61 Crossword
Another puzzle from the desk of Charles Wheeldon
62 Snorkelling
Andy Torbet looks at snorkelfriendly wrecks in the UK
64 Test Centre
Paralenz Vaquita video camera ; Tusa Intega mask ; Atomic ’ s 25th anniversary regulator

64 Test Centre