SCUBA September 2021 Issue 118 | Page 7

Keeping it safe

Dive with



AS COVID RESTRICTIONS EASE , BSAC is reminding divers to take some simple precautions to ensure their safety as they get back into the water .
The BSAC Annual Incident Report has previously shown that an increase in the amount of diving taking place is reflected in the number of incidents that occur .
Some early indications from reported incidents show that many divers are taking their preparations seriously and practising in a controlled environment of managed inland sites to check out their kit before they ease back into the water . As a result , many reported incidents have been minor and have been easily resolved before committing to more challenging dives .
BSAC is now reminding all divers to ensure :
■ You and your equipment are fit and ready
■ Practice / refresh your skills in controlled conditions
■ Start slowly and build up progressively
Further details and videos of related safety seminars can be found at bsac . com / returnprep

Be IPO-aware

BSAC is also continuing to raise awareness of the serious implications associated with divers at risk of Immersion Pulmonary Oedema ( IPO ). There have been a number of recent incidents where divers and / or their buddies have recognised the signs of IPO and were able to get out of the water safely . BSAC is now encouraging all divers to familiarise themselves with the signs and symptoms of IPO in both yourself and your buddy whilst diving and , if in doubt , terminate the dive safely . For more information on the latest IPO guidance go to bsac . com / ipoguidance
Instructor Training Group lead Ginge Crook reflects on the challenges met by today ' s BSAC Instructors
IT ’ S BEEN GREAT TO SEE SO MANY OF our members returning to the water as restrictions are eased and we learn to live with Covid . Learning being a key element of our diver progression as Instructor Training Group Lead , it has been fantastic to see the increase in members attending and being successful on our Instructor Training events .
Our new instructors bring real benefits to our individual branches and the club as a whole . I ’ m sure you have all experienced the burst of enthusiasm , drive and sense of purpose they bring to your branches .
The ability to attend hybrid events utilising online presentations and examinations has been really well received and will continue to be a recognised delivery method . Thanks to all those involved in developing , running and most importantly you the membership for participating . The instructor events scheduled for the remaining months of 2021 offer lots of opportunities to embark on , or develop your instructor pathway within BSAC .
Our Diving for All ( DfA ) Chief Examiner , Mick Stewart , has been busy reviewing the course materials , ensuring that access to training opportunities is being created .
The DfA Dive Manager and Buddies Course is a means of developing your general awareness of diving and disability , while the DfA Instructor Course is a great way to enhance your instructor ' toolbox ' with regard to inclusivity in this area .
2021 has offered us some real challenges and I ’ m pleased to say our membership has risen to them admirably . Our instructors are key to the success of the club , and your enthusiasm and adaptability seems boundless . Thank you for all your efforts so far this year and I hope we all continue to experience the fun and sense of achievement as we witness our students ' progression as divers . And of course , I wish you all well with your own development as instructors .