Fungi Ashbya gospii and Erymothecium ashbyii are used in the synthesis of Vitamins B-
Fungal Diseases:
Human – Mycoses (growing on skin, nails, hair, organs, athlethe foot, and ringworm.)
Animals – Ergot, athlete food
Plants – Rust, black rot, black spot, and canker)
Kingdom Plantae
Non-Flowering (Cryptogams) Plant
Flowering (Phanerogams) Plants
Algae Gymnosperms
Bryophyta Angiosperms
1. They are green water plants called algae. They are lowest and simplest primitive plants.
Their body is not differentiated into root, stem
or leaf.
2. They made be unicellular, multicellular,
filamentous or branched and tree like.
3. They process chlorophyll and can prepare
their own food.
4. Their cell wall is made up of cellulose.
Figure 11.2 (Algae)