Sciencewood Ramesh Kumar P | Page 36 36 5. Algae reproduce by      Vegetative reproduction Asexual reproduction (Spores) Sexual reproduction Scalariform conjugation and lateral conjugation e.g., Spirogyra By producing sex organs Antheridia and archegonia e.g., Chara Classification of Algae: Color Pigment Class Reserve Food Example Blue Phycocyanin Cyanophyta Cyanophycean Starch Oscillatoria Green Chlorophyll Chlorophyta Starch Brown Fucoxanthin Phaeophyta Laminarian Starch Chlamydomonos Sargassum Red Phycoerythrin Rhodophyta Floridean Starch Polysiphonia Uses of Algae: 1. Food: The following algae are used as food by human being, domestic animals and fishes. e.g., Ulna, Laminaeia, Sargassurn, Chlorella. 2. Agar Agar: This substance is obtained from the red algae e.g., Gelidium and Gracillaria. It is used to make ice creams. It is used as culture method medium for growing plants in test tube (Tissue Culture) 3. Iodine: It is obtained from Laminaria brown algae. 4. Algae in space travel: Chlorella pyrenoidosa is used in space travel to get rid of CO2 and other body waste and it also decomposes human urine. Bryophytes: The trees and rocks of hilly areas covered by thick green carpet of tiny plants. They are the first plants to come out of water to get adapted to live on the land. But can reproduce only in the presences of water