Science Education News (SEN) Journal 2017 Volume 66 Number 4 December 2017 | Page 20

ASSOCIATION NEWS 2017 Young Scientist Awards (continued) storage temperature and increased storage time caused weight loss, pH increase and factors such as size of air cell, fluidity of albumen, form of yolk and odour. A pH increase was observed over time in most eggs regardless of their storage conditions. Rural Young Scientist ISEF Finalists: Elena and Felisha Kaiser, Homeschool – Danthonia, Rain vs. Bore: Do the best results come out of the blue or the red? With two sources of water – rain and bore – available on Elena and Felisha’s property they tested to determine which of these water types was better for growing vegetables. Using different technologies the mineral content of each water type was determined, and radishes and lettuces were grown using each water type. Rainwater was shown to be much better for growing both of these garden plants. Jenny Stephen’s Rural Young Scientist ISEF Teacher chaperone award was presented by Brett Mackay, 2017 Prime Minister's Prize Science Teacher of the Year – Secondary. Two rural projects were also selected and the winning students will join the ISEF delegation and represent Australia in Pittsburgh in 2018. Rural Young Scientist ISEF Finalist: Emma Serisier, Bishop Druitt College Coffs Harbour, Effects of Storage Conditions and Time on Egg Quality. Elena and Felisha’s Rural Young Scientist ISEF award was presented by Brett Mackay. With the implementation of the STANSW Rural Young Scientist Awards, the Sapphire Foundation will be providing wonderful opportunities for NSW rural secondary students for the next four years! To be eligible, Rural secondary schools are considered to be those outside a radius of 70 km from Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong and Canberra, except if the town is on the Dept. of Education ‘Rural and Remote Schools’ list. Emma Serisier’s Rural Young Scientist ISEF award was presented by Brett Mackay. 2017 Sebel Young Scientist of the Year Award $2000 award for the student(s) who submitted the most outstanding project overall Emma found that the environmental conditions under which eggs are stored over time have a significant influence on their quality. Changes were identifiable depending upon factors such as Macinley Butson, The Illawarra Grammar School & Jade Moxey, Sapphire Coast Anglican College, The SAS System (Sanitation & Sterilisation) 20 SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL NEWS VOL 66 NO 4