Science Education News (SEN) Journal 2017 Volume 66 Number 4 December 2017 | Page 19

ASSOCIATION NEWS 2017 Young Scientist Awards (continued) Primary Young Scientist Sponsored by the School of Education, Australian Catholic University, the Primary Young Scientist is presented to the best overall 3-6 project Nicholas Hubbard, Castle Cove Public School, Does fabric softener make sleepwear more flammable? Lila Moore, Sapphire Coast Anglican School, is receiving her Broadcom MASTERS International Award from keynote speaker Professor Anna Moore. The platypus is a unique and iconic Australian animal. Lila explored the Brogo River system in the Bega Valley to see if the state of the land adjoining the river bank had any effect on platypus activity. Areas consisting of near-pristine native vegetation had more platypus sightings tha n areas with cleared farmland. Nicholas Hubbard, Castle Cove Public School, is receiving his Primary Young Scientist Award from Kerry Sheehan, NESA Science Inspector 2018 Rural Young Scientist Awards Thanks to the generosity of the Sapphire Foundation, the inaugural Rural Young Scientist Awards were announced this year. They target rural students and teachers, rewarding all projects from rural areas that score a 4 or 5 according to the judging rubrics, from a shared prize pool of $4000. The aim of this investigation was to determine if fabric softener makes fabric more prone to catching on fire. Using extensive testing, Nicholas found that there was a very significant difference between the fabric not washed with fabric softener to the fabric that was washed in softener. Fabric that had been washed with softener burned on average 20s faster! One lucky teacher from a rural school was rewarded for her implementation of Young Scientist Awards in her school through selection as the recipient of a Rural Young Scientist Teacher Award. This teacher will join the ISEF team as a chaperone of the winning rural students to ISEF next year. 2018 Broadcom MASTERS International Delegate One student with a top entry from Years 7-8 will travel to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, to the Broadcom MASTERS International in May 2018. The selected student must be a prize-winner, a good communicator and fit the age requirements. Winner of the Rural Young Scientist Teacher Award: Jenny Stephens, MET Wagga Wagga Campus (now teaching at Kildare Catholic College) Lila Moore, Sapphire Coast Anglican College, Platypus of the Brogo River System, NSW, – Riparian vegetation links to population status. 19 SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL NEWS VOL 66 NO 4