Science Education News (SEN) Journal 2017 Volume 66 Number 4 December 2017 | Page 21

ASSOCIATION NEWS 2017 Young Scientist Awards (continued) Our 2017 winners of this award are our previous two ‘Young Scientist of the Year’ winners who teamed together to produce this year’s top project – all completed between their return from ISEF in mid-May and the Y.S. August deadline. Their award was presented by Trevor Vyner, Sebel CEO. Remaining 2018 Intel ISEF Finalists The full team for ISEF 2018 in Pittsburg, U.S.A. Aniruddh Chennapragada, James Ruse Agricultural High School, ‘Investigating the Carbonisation and Activation of Banana Peels for Applications in Batteries’. Jade and Macinley developed a self-sustaining sanitation and sterilising device to produce potable and medical grade sterile water for developing countries and emergency relief. Their project, ‘The SAS System’ (Sanitation and Sterilisation System), is a self-sustaining, portable unit consisting of three integrated systems, to provide both clean drinking water and sterile water for medical use, for developing communities and emergency relief. Aniruddh successfully prepared activated carbon from banana peel. His project then progressed onto characterising the synthesised activated carbon using FT-IR (Fourier-transform infrared) spectroscopy and SEM (Scanning Electronic Microscopy). Finally he used his activated banana peels as cathodic material in an aluminium-air battery showing that there is great potential for utilising organic waste like banana peels for preparing chemically activated materials that have applications in energy technology. 2018 Intel ISEF Prize A total of seven winning projects were selected from Years 9-12. The winning students will travel to Pittsburgh, USA, to represent Australia at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in May 2018. 21 SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL NEWS VOL 66 NO 4