In my opinion, the Modern Languages Professional can do any of these tasks, when they are developed in other languages. About the financial report, the Modern Languages Professional can give support using languages skills.
Giving a special attention to the financial
report. In this career the professional is
trained in branding, written and verbal
communication not only in his own
language but in other two or three
business languages, semiotics, etc,
which are helpful for the main tasks done
in this area of communication. I think that,
in topics about branding and lobbing the
Modern Languages Professional can
take a shared responsibility with a
publicist or a PR professional. However,
in the Financial Communication, this
professional could see its action field
reduced to compact the message in other
Secondly, ‘’Internal communication is the
transmission of information between
organizational members or parts of the organization. It takes place across all
levels and organizational units of an
organization.’’ Said Shawn Grimsley
instructor on .
organizational members or parts of the organization. It takes place across all
levels and organizational units of an
organization.’’ Said Shawn Grimsley
instructor on . Taking into
account those aspects, the role of the
Modern Languages Professional in this
area should be the management of the
communication, in many languages,
including all employees to accomplish
the goals of the company. In this area,
the professional can work on reinforcing
the organizational culture, knowledge
management, formal channels of internal
communication, human resources,
management indicators, etc. On my
opinion in this area the professional has
a major field of action based on his
career. Finally, the role of the Modern
Languages Professional in the external
communication area, consist on