Scarlet Masque Theatre Journal New Beginnings and Fond Farewells Vol. 1 | Page 105
Nathan Hubert
Simply Watching
(Completely lost in his story.) But anyways, I was looking on
the floor, trying to find my new watch that you had bought me
last month. There I was, searching on the floor while everybody
else was having a good time at the party. What a funny sight I
must’ve been, haha.
(Trying to get a rile out of JASON.) How to get off when your
husband has a micropenis. Saved.
ALEXIS looks up but after realizing that JASON wasn’t
paying any attention to her, she rolls her eyes and looks
back down at her phone.
(Unaware of ALEXIS’ comments.) You know, I must’ve looked around
for quite a while, because Barry wasn’t there when I came back
to ask him for help.
ALEXIS looks up from her phone. She is serious.
You really are an idiot, aren’t you?
(Still blissfully wrapped up in his story.) So there I was,
trying to find my watch, and trying to find Barry. I just did
not have it together last night.
I’m cheating on you.
So I decided that, although I really cared about that watch you
bought me, my priorities lay in finding Barry first.